Cyber-Physical Systems

PhobosBC: A Blockchain-based Crowdsourced Post-disaster Mapping System and its Agent-based Simulation

After a major natural disaster strikes a region, emergency response often lacks information about the post-disaster state of the road network. Conflicting information about the region from multiple sources creates confusion. Thus, it is imperative to …

Impact of COVID-19 on Public Transit Accessibility and Ridership

COVID-19 has radically transformed urban travel behavior throughout the world. Agencies have had to provide adequate service while navigating a rapidly changing environment with reduced revenue. As COVID-19-related restrictions are lifted, transit …

Rolling Horizon based Temporal Decomposition for the Offline Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows

The offline pickup and delivery problem with time windows (PDPTW) is a classical combinatorial optimization problem in the transportation community, which has proven to be very challenging computationally. Due to the complexity of the problem, …

Offline Vehicle Routing Problem with Online Bookings: A Novel Problem Formulation with Applications to Paratransit

Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) can be divided into two major categories: offline VRPs, which consider a given set of trip requests to be served, and online VRPs, which consider requests as they arrive in real-time. Based on discussions with public …

Neural Architecture and Feature Search for Predicting the Ridership of Public Transportation Routes

Accurately predicting the ridership of public-transit routes provides substantial benefits to both transit agencies, who can dispatch additional vehicles proactively before the vehicles that serve a route become crowded, and to passengers, who can …

An Online Approach to Solve the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Trip Requests for Paratransit Services

Many transit agencies operating paratransit and microtransit ser-vices have to respond to trip requests that arrive in real-time, which entails solving hard combinatorial and sequential decision-making problems under uncertainty. To avoid decisions …

Data-Driven Prediction and Optimization of Energy Use for Transit Fleets of Electric and ICE Vehicles

Due to the high upfront cost of electric vehicles, many public transit agencies can afford only mixed fleets of internal-combustion and electric vehicles. Optimizing the operation of such mixed fleets is challenging because it requires accurate …

Strategic Remote Attestation: Testbed for Internet-of-Things Devices and Stackelberg Security Game for Optimal Strategies

Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications can have significant vulnerabilities, which may be exploited by adversaries to cause considerable harm. An important approach for mitigating this threat is remote attestation, which enables the …

AI for Equitable and Resilient Food Distribution during Disasters

Food insecurity is the lack of consistent and reliable access to nutritious food. In the Houston (Texas) area, over 14% of Harris County households experienced food insecurity before the emergence of COVID-19.

DeimosBC: A Blockchain-based System for Crowdsensing after Natural Disasters

For first responders entering into a post-disaster situation, there is usually a severe lack of up-to-date ground truth. The initial period of time has multiple sources of conflicting information coming in and creating confusion about the situation. …