Cyber-Physical Systems

Efficient Data Management for Intelligent Urban Mobility Systems

Modern intelligent urban mobility applications are underpinned by large-scale, multivariate, spatiotemporal data streams. Working with this data presents unique challenges of data management, processing and presentation that is often overlooked by …

A Review and Outlook on Energy Consumption Estimation Models for Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are critical to the transition to a low-carbon transportation system. The successful adoption of EVs heavily depends on energy consumption models that can accurately and reliably estimate electricity consumption. This article …

Minimizing Energy Use of Mixed-Fleet Public Transit for Fixed-Route Service

Affordable public transit services are crucial for communities since they enable residents to access employment, education, and other services. Unfortunately, transit services that provide wide coverage tend to suffer from relatively low utilization, …

Safe and Private Forward-Trading Platform for Transactive Microgrids

Power grids are evolving at an unprecedented pace due to the rapid growth of distributed energy resources (DER) in communities. These resources are very different from traditional power sources, as they are located closer to loads and thus can …

AI-Engine for Optimizing Mixed-Fleet Transit Operations

In every public transit system, a trade-off has to be made between concentrating service into very useful routes that serve large numbers of people and spreading service out to ensure that people everywhere have access to at least some service.

A Privacy-preserving Mobile and Fog Computing Framework to Trace and Prevent COVID-19 Community Transmission

To slow down the spread of COVID-19, governments worldwide are trying to identify infected people, and contain the virus by enforcing isolation, and quarantine. However, it is difficult to trace people who came into contact with an infected person, …

Blockchains for Transactive Energy Systems: Opportunities, Challenges, and Approaches

The emergence of blockchains and smart contracts have renewed interest in electrical cyber-physical systems, especially in the area of transactive energy systems. However, despite recent advances, there remain significant challenges that impede the …

Data-Driven Prediction of Route-Level Energy Use for Mixed-Vehicle Transit Fleets

Due to increasing concerns about environmental impact, operating costs, and energy security, public transit agencies are seeking to reduce their fuel use by employing electric vehicles (EVs). However, because of the high upfront cost of EVs, most …

Graph-Theoretic Approach for Increasing Participation in Networks with Assorted Resources

In many cooperative networks, individuals participate actively as long as they recognize a sufficient value in participation, which depends not only on the number, but also on the attributes of other participating members. In this paper, we present a …

Microtransit Solutions for Underserved Communities

Public transportation infrastructure is an essential component in cultivating equitable communities. However, public transit agencies have historically struggled to achieve this since they are often severely stressed in terms of resources as they have to make the trade-off between concentrating service into routes that serve large numbers of people and spreading service out to ensure that people everywhere have access to at least some service.