Cyber-Physical Systems

SURE: A Modeling and Simulation Integration Platform for Evaluation of SecUre and REsilient Cyber-Physical Systems

On the Design of Communication and Transaction Anonymity in Blockchain-Based Transactive Microgrids

PlaTIBART: A Platform for Transactive IoT Blockchain Applications with Repeatable Testing

Providing Privacy, Safety, and Security in IoT-Based Transactive Energy Systems using Distributed Ledgers

Blockchains for Transactive Energy Systems

Due to rapid growth in renewable energy resources and improvements in battery technology, power grids are undergoing major changes, which create significant management and control challenges. To tackle these challenges, decentralized solutions are needed, which can support the evolution of electrical power distribution systems.

Improving Network Connectivity Using Trusted Nodes and Edges

Graph-Theoretic Approach for Increasing Participation in Social Sensing

Optimal Detection of Faulty Traffic Sensors Used in Route Planning

Scheduling Battery-Powered Sensor Networks for Minimizing Detection Delays

Sensor networks monitoring spatially-distributed physical systems often comprise battery-powered sensor devices. To extend lifetime, battery power may be conserved using sleep scheduling: activating and deactivating some of the sensors from time to …

Synergic Security for Smart Water Networks: Redundancy, Diversity, and Hardening